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What is drywall construction

What is drywall construction

Dry walls

Sep 28, 2023

Drywall construction

Drywall construction is a building method that relies on using dry materials and dry joints instead of traditional wet methods. Instead of using a mixture of water and concrete, drywall construction uses dry elements such as gypsum boards, fiberboard panels, metal structures, and other dry materials.

Why Drywall Construction?

You might wonder why you should be interested in drywall construction. Here are a few reasons:

  1. Faster Construction Time:

    Drywall construction is faster than traditional methods because there is no need for drying concrete or other wet materials. Dry elements are simply assembled and fastened, speeding up the construction process. Did you know that a house can be built with drywall construction in 1/3 of the time needed for traditional construction?

  2. Less Waste:

    Drywall construction is more environmentally friendly because it produces less waste. Dry elements are manufactured to specifications, meaning less cutting, breaking, and disposal of unnecessary materials. Did you know that building an average house using drywall construction produces 80% less waste than a house built using traditional methods?

  1. Greater Flexibility and Adaptability:
    Drywall construction allows for greater flexibility and adaptability in design. Dry elements can be easily modified, moved, or replaced without major work, enabling simple alterations or repurposing of spaces.

  2. Better Sound and Thermal Insulation:
    Dry elements often have excellent sound and thermal insulation properties. Gypsum boards, for example, can provide good sound insulation between rooms, while fiberboard panels boast excellent thermal insulation. Did you know that the sound insulation of drywall construction is so good that you can sing in the bathroom without anyone hearing your secret shower concert? :)

  3. Cost-Effectiveness:
    Drywall construction can be more cost-effective compared to traditional building methods. The costs of materials, labor, and construction time can be lower, making drywall construction an attractive option.


Drywall construction is a modern, eco-friendly, and practical building method. Faster construction, less waste, greater flexibility, and better insulation are just a few reasons why drywall construction is becoming increasingly popular.

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